Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day Eighty-four

Well, I wish that our sewage situation had ended there, with no other problems. Unfortunately, that was just the beginning... When the plumbing company came out a few days later to run their camera through the sewage line, we were told our pipe was caving in and needed to be replaced immediately. They also told us that we should not use our water and toilets at all during this time. Thus, we had to pack ourselves and our five children up for four days and move in with friends. Long story short, by the end of the week, our line still wasn’t repaired. We had been told contradictory information by so many different people that our heads were spinning from information overload. The story changed by the hour and after awhile I couldn’t even keep up with what was happening. It felt like chaos and confusion, not to mention we were all emotionally and physically drained.

It was quite the ordeal, but it had a beautiful ‘Jehovah Jireh’ ending. The break in the line was finally determined to be the responsibility of the city sewage department and they repaired it for free. Why it took so long to get to this answer, we’ll never know for sure. But I have a sneaky suspicion the enemy was working overtime from all angles to wear us down.

You see, this was one of the weeks I had blocked out to spend writing this prayer guide. And wouldn’t you know, one week later, as I try to finish writing, there is a stomach virus sweeping through our family? Oh, the adversary is such the author of chaos, confusion, disillusionment and discouragement. He does not want anyone praying for this event because he knows that prayer defeats. He knows women’s lives will be changed. Frankly, it excites me that he is worried; it excites me that our prayers are moving and shaking in the heavenlies!

As we pray, the enemy is going to do everything in his power to keep prayer from happening. Jesus says in Matthew 10:16 to be ‘shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves’. The enemy’s goal is to make you fail. He will try to wear you down little by little. We must be prepared and aware of his tactics as we take on this very important job of intercessor.

Dear Father,

Thank you for the honor of interceding for the women who will be coming to Deeper Still. Thank you that we live in a country where we can openly pray to You and we have access to Your Word. May we not take that for granted, Lord! You tell me in Your Word: ‘Submit myself to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from me'(James 4:7). Lord, I want to have a submissive Spirit towards You. I want to make prayer an absolute priority because You command us to do so. And because the more time I spend in prayer the more time I spend in sweet fellowship with You. Lord, may my prayers for Deeper Still exceed this prayer guide—give me a burden to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Keep me alert and in constant prayer for all of the saints….I lift up the City Coordinator of Deeper Still, Gwen Paten, and her entire task force that is working with Lifeway for this event. Keep the enemy from distracting them from the purpose You’ve given them. May their plans succeed for Your glory and renown! I also pray for the Lifeway staff in charge of Deeper Still Louisville—for organization, prayerful direction, thanksgiving and joyfulness as they work on this God-ordained event. Thank you Lord, that you are faithful and You establish us and guard us from the evil one (2 Thess. 3:3)!

In Jesus’ name,

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